
Awareness is Only the Start: Responding to Sound of Freedom

“You may choose to look the other way but you can never say again that you did not know.”   ― William Wilberforce   Just a week after its release, Sound of Freedom had already sold almost 4 million tickets, sparking conversations and stirring [...]

Forced Criminality and Guiding Survivors through Reentry

"When I was arrested, everyone that I did have in my life left me. They didn't care. For almost every person in my life, when I was arrested, I was gone. Having [my case manager with me] made my time in prison easier. She [...]

Human Trafficking Impacts more than Female Victims

"You may choose to look the other way but you can never say again that you did not know." Statistics for human trafficking are all over the board as we know the crime is largely underreported and only estimates can be made on the [...]

A Human Trafficking Survivor’s Journey

Not sure when I realized there was hope. Maybe in the same breath, I realized this wasn’t the life I wanted. Maybe it was when I saw the small joys of life, Making steps in a world I didn’t know or understand. Going from a [...]

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