Sound of Freedom represents one of a thousand possible examples of what this crime looks like.

It is important to recognize that human trafficking does not have a single face. The movie represents just one of the countless examples of this crime. Rather than seeing Sound of Freedom as the definitive portrayal of human trafficking, use it as a window into a much larger issue that affects not only the global community but also your own local community. The full experience of human trafficking cannot be summarized in a single story. There are numerous ways this horrific crime manifests itself, BOTH internationally and within the United States.

Before the film’s release, organizations were already aware of the misconceptions surrounding trafficking and the expectation of dramatic rescues.

“We’re not taking doors down. We’re not taking people over our shoulder,” Jeff Shaw says. Shaw is the chief program officer for Frontline Response, a Christian anti-trafficking organization based in Atlanta that has operations in Georgia and Ohio. Shaw was “blown away” by the movie and is recommending it to people, but has caveats: “Even child trafficking victims that have been ‘taken,’ most of the time, they’re resistant to being rescued, because they’re not in that psychological space, either. So a big part of our trainings is deprogramming our volunteers into what their expectation should be about how people are going to respond to them, and what sex trafficking looks like.” Read more about the response many anti-trafficking organizations are hoping to see from this awareness at Christianity Today.

Rescue operations are often a small part of anti-trafficking work. Anti-trafficking ministries in the US like Call to Freedom do the less dramatic work of offering hot meals during outreaches, having safe houses available that involve long-term rehab and recovery, educating and supporting children at risk of exploitation, training employers to recognize trafficking, and collaborating with law enforcement. Sometimes ministries’ work looks like poverty fighting, addiction recovery, or relationship building.

Let the limitations of a two-hour movie to describe a global plight be a reminder of the need to explore deeper into the subject. We hope the film serves as a starting point and inspiration to seek additional resources and connect with local anti human trafficking organizations.

Educate Yourself on The Specifics

What is Human Trafficking?
“U.S. law defines human trafficking as the use of force, fraud, or coercion to compel a person into commercial sex acts or labor against their will.”

What is Child Sex Trafficking?
“Child sex trafficking is a form of child abuse that occurs when a child under 18 is advertised, solicited or exploited through a commercial sex act. A commercial sex act is any sex act where something of value – such as money, food, drugs or a place to stay – is given to or received by any person for sexual activity.”

How Does Child Sex Trafficking Happen?
Common trafficking ploys involve forming romantic relationships with victims or promising them jobs in entertainment or modeling.

How do I Recognize Child Trafficking?
“Many people in active sex trafficking situations do not recognize themselves as being victims because they have been expertly groomed by a trafficker to believe they have chosen to participate in commercial sex.”

Potential Indicators of Trafficking
A variety of flags can be indicators of trafficking. The examples listed are not definitive, and not every individual will present the same flags. Additionally, seeing one or two indicators doesn’t necessarily mean that something is happening to you, it simply lets you know that you should probably step back and take another look at the situation.

Sex Trafficking Examples
There are a variety of trafficking examples including familial, romantic, and child trafficking that involve recruitment, grooming, coercion, and control.

Understanding Labor Trafficking
Labor trafficking is the crime of using force, fraud or coercion to induce another individual to work or provide service.

By listening to and sharing a wide range of real-life stories, we empower survivors and support them on their journey to recovery.

Steps You Can Take Today to Aid Anti Human Trafficking Efforts

Our desire is that this new uproar of attention to the horror we combat daily would be harnessed to create more advocates for change in this fight.

Will you join the call?

1. Pray for organizations and those working in this every single day.
2. Pray for buyers that their hearts and minds be opened to truth.
3. Pray for Survivors. That they find rescue, however that may be. That they find healing, restoration and peace.
4. Educate yourself on what human trafficking looks like in your community. Call to Freedom offers monthly trainings tailored to specific community sectors and how you might see trafficking in your own sphere.
5. Learn about local organizations engaged in the fight against trafficking and find ways to get involved in their efforts.
6. Share a diverse range of survivor experiences to broaden awareness about the many facets of trafficking.
7. Learn about prevention strategies including social media safety, reducing demand, identifying warning signs.

Together, we can make a difference and bring an end to this horrendous crime. Join the call and be a part of the solution.