Thank you for your interest in Call to Freedom.

Call to Freedom relies on the support of YOU, our community. For the community, believing this is happening, giving it a voice, and being behind the cause really gives momentum and enables change. It also gives encouragement to the survivor that people do believe them and what has happened to them. Your support of finances, time, and prayer helps us navigate a healthy path for those we serve.

Check out the many opportunities to support us and our mission.


No matter if you volunteer four to ten hours a week or occasionally, we appreciate you being on our team!

Call to Freedom utilizes volunteers in various positions depending on the volunteer’s experience and time available.

Pray for Call to Freedom

Call to Freedom would not be able to accomplish our mission without the strength and support of God’s love. Prayer warriors are key to combating human trafficking.

Prayer requests always include protection for our clients and protection for our staff.

CTF Merchandise

Advocate for freedom by representing the fight against human trafficking.

Your contribution through the following products supports the mission of Call to Freedom and those impacted by human trafficking.

Financially Support Call to Freedom

Your contribution of funds, time, or items, makes a life-changing difference in the life of someone impacted by human trafficking.

For more information or assistance: Please contact Monica Rilling, Managing Director of Development and Community Engagement at [email protected] or call 605-799-6153

Call to Freedom Ambassador

Call to Freedom needs your help. We need ambassadors like you to help amplify our message. We are counting on you to help strengthen the Call to Freedom brand.

Help us unite a community in the fight against human trafficking. Using social media, we can help build brand awareness around our cause and work towards an end to human trafficking.