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Healing to those impacted by trafficking
Call to Freedom is a trauma-informed nonprofit that provides comprehensive, ongoing, and coordinated supportive services for all individuals impacted by human trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation.
We understand that physically exiting a trafficking situation is not the end of the journey, so our team walks with those we serve to help them overcome their past and start to thrive.
By providing safety, basic needs, a supportive housing site, medical assistance, transportation, and other specialized services, our staff pulls together the best community resources to make integration into the community as seamless as possible. We could not do this work alone. We’re thankful for our partnerships with local business leaders, law enforcement, legislators, and individuals and families who make it possible for us to fight human trafficking at every level.
“Those that we have served, it’s been amazing to watch them evolve into a new identity. And if we weren’t here, I’m not sure who would be helping, specializing in offering services for human trafficking.”
Becky Rasmussen, President & CEO
Call to Freedom Continuum of Care Model
Realizing the complex needs of those who have been victim to the trauma of human trafficking, Call to Freedom addresses human trafficking from all angles and is committed to be a constant throughout a client’s journey. Our Continuum of Care Model is shaped by survivors’ input to ensure holistic and meaningful care long term to every individual we serve.
Click below to learn more about our service areas.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I support a parent with a child that has been victimized?
Call to Freedom serves children and youth (0-24), as well as adults. Our youth team is available to coordinate age-appropriate services for those who have been victimized by human trafficking and/or commercial sexual exploitation.
Additionally, Call to Freedom has supports available for parents to prevent and respond to child victimization. Through our Parent Connections training series, parents, guardians, family members, and support systems who want to become advocates for the young people in their lives can learn how to protect their children. Visit Call to Freedom’s Events page to view upcoming Parent Connections events.
Parents, families, supporters, and others are encouraged to order a copy of Call to Freedom’s A Parent’s Guide to Understanding Human Trafficking and Healing Their Children. The book is originated and primarily written by Ruth Atkins, the grandmother of a young woman who was trafficked. The book serves as a resource for parents and others on identifying the dangers and warning signs of trafficking, as well as understanding the psychology of victims.
Does your organization serve men and boys?
Yes. Call to Freedom provides services to those impacted by human trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation, regardless of gender, age, race, or other demographic factors. Men and boys are vulnerable to both sex and labor trafficking, as well as commercial sexual exploitation, and Call to Freedom provides inclusive services.
Do you have an emergency shelter?
No. Call to Freedom does not currently have an emergency shelter. However, our organization supports survivors in need of housing and shelter through services such as housing navigation and advocacy, transitional housing, rental assistance, and a supportive housing site. Our staff works with community partners to secure emergency housing for survivors in need.
Do you provide transportation services?
Yes. At their discretion, Call to Freedom staff can assist with transporting victims to where they need to be, pending safety considerations; the safety of our clients and staff is paramount. Additionally, Call to Freedom has a volunteer transportation team that assists with safely transporting individuals.
Can you help connect people to trauma counseling?
Yes. If an individual qualifies for our services as an individual who has been impacted by human trafficking and/or commercial sexual exploitation, we will connect her/him to appropriate supportive services, including trauma counseling.