Emergency & Addiction Services Case Manager

It's pretty neat to see what people do after they step into their full autonomy and begin to heal.

What do you like to do outside of work (hobbies, sports, interests)?

Sew, create jewelry

What is a fun fact about you?

I'm 500lb club in Cuba, my name is forever on the wall at that gym.

What is your favorite snack/treat?


What song inspires or motivates you (who sings it)?

Three Little Birds – Bob Marley

What is something you’re proud of and why?

First gen bachelor’s holder

What is your personal and professional journey that led you to Call to Freedom?

The field of addiction counseling opened my eyes and listening to clients stories. I knew I wanted to help and prayed about it in 2017 and now I work for Call to Freedom.

What kinds of projects are you most excited to work on at Call to Freedom?

Presentations and representation for Native communities. I really enjoyed helping with the red sand project.

Why do you believe in the mission of Call to Freedom?

Because it's pretty neat to see what people do after they step into their full autonomy and begin to heal.

How do you think your position at Call to Freedom is important to the mission?

Bringing in the cultural awareness piece and walking along side relatives that are trying to heal.