When did you start working at Call to Freedom? And what is your personal and professional journey that led you here?
I started working at Call of Freedom in April 2021.
Prior to CTF, I was a Senior Parole Agent/Field Training Officer for the State of South Dakota, Department of Corrections. My partner in parole came to CTF and helped develop Marissa’s House program. Most of my caseload included high risk/high need females so I was used to working with this population and really enjoyed the work. My partner sent me a job opening at Marissa’s House working directly with this population and I took a leap of faith knowing I wanted to make more of an impact; especially with mother’s wanting to reunite with their children.
What is your position at CTF & why is it important to the mission?
Director of Marissa’s House; Without the continuum of care model, we wouldn’t be able to effectively bring a sense of wholeness and healing to our survivors. We have such a wide variety of skills and talents as a CTF team and without each other, we wouldn’t be able to effectively problem solve, case manage, and support our caseloads. As the Director of Marissa’s House, I feel it’s my role to walk alongside the women at Marissa’s House and reunite children with their mothers.
Why do you believe in the mission of Call to Freedom?
I believe in the mission of CTF because those that work at CTF truly want to help people and have the heart to serve. We are willing to push boundaries, advocate, and do the right thing no matter what that looks like for our clients.
What is a moment that sticks out to you from your time working here or why do you feel like it’s meaningful?
I think the biggest moment that sticks out is when we finally were able to turn in the keys to the old house and work full time out of the new Marissa’s House. It was such a change in atmosphere and it gave me a new hope and perspective for the women and children we house and serve.
What is a fun fact about yourself?
I love to thrift!