Explore a career with Call to Freedom.

Want to help stop and prevent human trafficking in South Dakota? Are you passionate about helping people?

Emergency and Addiction Services Case Manager

The Emergency and Addiction Services Case Manager will specialize in community and rural outreach to establish relationships with service providers and provide emergency services to victims in crisis. Identify and respond to substance abuse treatment needs for clients and identify service providers in communities across the state of South Dakota. Provide CD assessments, consultation, and program development. Key tasks include ongoing outreach to local and rural service partners, CD assessments, state submission and intake/screening processes, crisis response, information and referral to providers, and case management, as necessary.

Job Description & Apply Here

Statewide Rural Case Manager

The Statewide Rural Case Manager’s purpose is to coordinate community responses to cases of human trafficking throughout South Dakota. Key tasks include assisting in establishing or connecting with community response teams and coordinating responses within those teams for victims of human trafficking, service delivery, and assisting with training members of response teams in identifying and assessing victims of human trafficking.

Job Description & Apply Here

Outreach Case Manager

The Outreach Case Manager’s purpose is to identify needs, implement strategies, and coordinate individualized services for victims and survivors. Key tasks include conducting supportive intake and screening processes, facilitating referrals, and providing case management.

Job Description & Apply Here

Housing Navigator

The Housing Navigator’s purpose is to support the efforts of Call to Freedom by coordinating statewide housing resources and partners to aid clients. The Housing Navigator, with the help of community multidisciplinary teams (MDTs), will identify local housing resources across the state of South Dakota.

Job Description & Apply Here