Director of Finance

I had no idea how great the need for this type of service was until I learned about this organization. It breaks my heart to know that this is going on in our community and that the need is so great. I believe that our team touches even more lives each day than they realize.

When did you start working at Call of Freedom? And what is your personal and professional journey that led you here?

I started working at CTF September 2021.

I love working in the non-profit world and have for most of my career. I enjoy what I do and being able to help organizations reach their financial/team building goals.

What is your position at CTF & why is it important to the mission?

Director of Finance (Human Resources). I am not sure everyone thinks my position is important in our journey, but it does have a purpose. I couldn’t do the job that our client facing staff does. I would be an emotional mess! My job is to make sure the finances are in order, we stay compliant with all our requirements, budget the funds we have, pay the bills, and onboard staff so they feel welcome, prepared to begin their adventure with CTF, and be a part of a team that does amazing things each day. What I do in the background helps to ensure staff can focus on their job and clients without worrying about finances or staffing.

Why do you believe in the mission of call to freedom?

I had no idea how great the need for this type of service was until I learned about this organization. It breaks my heart to know that this is going on in our community and that the need is so great. I believe that our team touches even more lives each day than they realize. The faith base this organization has ensures that the mission will continue and grow. Great people, doing great things, with the help of a great God to create great outcomes for our clients.

What is a fun fact about yourself?

I love adventure and fun which evidently doesn’t go with my position! LOL! I ride a Harley. I can’t think of any better way to relieve stress and clear your mind than 15 minutes of wind therapy.