Director of Finance

I believe that all individuals deserve freedom and respect.  I love that CTF walks along those in need and supports them in all areas of their journey to freedom for as long as they need that support.

What do you like to do outside of work (hobbies, sports, interests)?

Walk my dog

Watch my daughter play tennis

Read books/novels

What is a fun fact about you?

I marched in the Rose Bowl parade in high school

What is your favorite snack/treat?

Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups

What song inspires or motivates you (who sings it)?

Do Something & Don’t Stop Praying by Matthew West

What is something you’re proud of and why?

I’m proud of the business that I built that was able to support our family while giving me the flexibility and freedom to support my girls as they grew up.

What is your personal and professional journey that led you to Call to Freedom?

The need for a more stable job with benefits started me on the journey of finding full time employment once again.  My experience in non-profit accounting led me to apply at Call to Freedom.

What kinds of projects are you most excited to work on at Call to Freedom?

I’m looking forward to supporting all of the areas of the ministry with fiscal support and guidance.

Why do you believe in the mission of Call to Freedom?

I believe that all individuals deserve freedom and respect.  I love that CTF walks along those in need and supports them in all areas of their journey to freedom for as long as they need that support.

How do you think your position at Call to Freedom is important to the mission?

Finance is one of those areas that indirectly affects all areas of the organization.  I like to see it as a supporting role to the main mission of supporting those that are affected by human trafficking.