Human Trafficking: Part 1 – A Parent’s Guide: Introducing the Author & Contributor

Stories of overcoming great trauma inform us. Storytellers who lived that battle – maybe one we are facing – inspire us. This is the first of a multi-part series of blogs on the book Call to Freedom: A Parent’s Guide to Understanding Human Trafficking and Healing Their Children.

Who is Call to Freedom?

At Call to Freedom, we exist to educate, prevent trafficking, and help victims re-integrate into society. Call to Freedom (CTF) programs take victims of human trafficking through post-traumatic care that includes therapy, rehabilitation services, transitional housing, and safety from their abusers.

One brave woman, Ruth, authored A Parent’s Guide. She is the grandmother of a survivor who shares her story to ease your burden if you have a loved one who is being trafficked or has escaped human slavery.

How Can I Better Understand Human Trafficking?

One way you can increase your sensitivity to human trafficking causes, who it affects, and how to overcome it is through the true stories of Ruth and Mary.

Author Ruth Atkins

Ruth is like every Grandmother who loves her children and grandchildren. She is known throughout the book as ‘Gma’, and we hope her message that “You are not alone” resonates with you. If you have a loved one who is currently involved in human bondage, you can be their valuable lifeline like Ruth was to her granddaughter.

Ruth’s twenty-year-old granddaughter was making her way in the world after high school in the usual ways. She had a full-time job, an apartment, and a boyfriend. During a hard breakup with her boyfriend, new friends comforted her with attention, gifts, and social support.

Little did she know that they were grooming her to use her looks and body to make them money. These new ‘friends’ were actually in a gang and continued to abuse Ruth’s granddaughter long after she was no longer forced to work for them. They harassed her, making it hard for her to work, support herself, and feel safe.

It was a long road for Ruth’s granddaughter to wellness. She fought homelessness, drug and alcohol abuse, and ongoing emotional trauma. Ruth will share how trauma affects not only the trafficking victim but their family as well. She will relay valuable tools you can use as you help your loved one heal.

Ruth wants you to know:

  • You are not alone.
  • The healing journey, even after the trafficking has ended, can be one step forward two steps back.
  • You are not helpless; you have the tools to help your loved one.

Contributor to Book Mary

Mary is a survivor of cartel trafficking. In addition to mentoring survivors, she trains anti-human trafficking staff, first responders, and healthcare workers. Mary has been a part of Call to Freedom for many years as an survivor advisor.

She has a compelling story to tell. She was raised in a ‘normal’ home where she was loved and cared for well. But there were times she felt lost and unsure of herself. She gravitated towards friends who filled that need in her: the need for acceptance and love. Her trafficker filled her basic needs as well as her romantic and social needs. He became her family and exploited their deep bond to make Mary vulnerable. Because Mary was trauma-bonded with her trafficker, she was willing to accept this new life as ‘normal’ and allowed her enslavement to continue.

Mary hopes you feel:

  • Support is just a phone call away.
  • No one asks to be trafficked.
  • Each survivor’s story is different.

Together, Ruth and Mary want to help you understand human trafficking and realize you are not alone. Their mission is to bring hope and guidance through their stories.

Do you know a loved one who has escaped human trafficking and want to help?

Our Mission at Call to Freedom is to “bring wholeness to all individuals impacted by sex and labor trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation by navigating a healing path through our continuum of care model.

Our Vision is to “create a comprehensive CommUnity model of care for individuals and support communities while educating and advocating to combat sex and labor trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation.”

Valuable Resources

In addition to exploring the book “A Parent’s Guide to Understanding Human Trafficking and Healing Their Children,” here are links to web resources and podcasts for your education.

These are actions you can take today:

  • Subscribe to our monthly newsletter here and check out our podcast and blog.

If you are currently in a crisis or have questions about human trafficking, please contact our hotline at  605.261.1880 and 605.759.3565

Call to Freedom in a 501(c)(3) organization. EIN: 47-5469817

Wanda is a Wellness copywriter and volunteer contributor to Call to Freedom. For her copywriting and ghostwriting services, visit wordsbywanda.