Clinical Services Pathway: Independence & Ongoing Support

“You dear children are from God and have overcome them …” 1 Johns 4

The seventh step in CTF’s Client Services Pathway is Independence and Ongoing Support. This step includes helping clients remain sober, active in mental health treatment, mentoring opportunities, and other supports to ensure their long-term health and well-being.

McKenzie, CTF’s Director of Marissa’s House & Outreach Services, shares: “At this stage, they have all the skills, have access to all the resources, and know we are here for them. They are confident and are capable, and we are just there as back up support.” She adds that, “Just know that it is not a cookie cutter approach. Every person’s journey is different. One approach won’t work for all. It may be three steps forward and one step back. We try to meet them where they are and what looks healthy to us may not be what works for them. We try to balance grace with accountability, and no matter what happens, we are always going to answer the phone.”

Mary, CTF’s Survivor Service & Program Coordinator, says “It’s hard to accept that somebody in the community cares. We don’t want to go back to what we know. Call to Freedom shows survivors how to navigate a different path and become healthy.” She explained how each client must make choices, and that she herself felt that faith in God helped her as it has others. As a faith-based organization, CTF was founded upon the belief that every life is a gift from God and subsequently worthy of love, time, and intentionality. CTF has a full-time Spirituality and Mentor Coordinator on staff to assist clients in need of spiritual aid—a critical component of providing clients with long-term and ongoing support.

Becky Rasmussen, CTF’s President & CEO, shares about the uniqueness of CTF’s approach. “We never place an end date on services. We walk with a survivor until he/she determines he/she is equipped for long-term success. When so many choices have been stripped of them for so long, we restore that agency, giving survivors options and care on their own terms, and strive to be that constant—we will always pick up the phone, we will always lend an empathetic ear and helping hand, we will always strive to treat every client like Christ. Many programs place an expiration date or rigid phases upon services. Our clients benefit from the knowledge that they can always come to us for assistance, and we’re honored to include ongoing support as part of our continuum of care model.

If you or someone you know needs Call to Freedom’s services, please call (605) 759-3565.

Written By:

Kelly Hanzlik
