Human Trafficking: Answer the Call to Combat & Help Survivors Heal

Human trafficking is a pervasive global crisis, exploiting and enslaving women, men, and children. The crime occurs in every state in the U.S. and may quietly exist in your community.

Who is Call to Freedom?

Call to Freedom (CTF) exists to educate service professionals and community members, prevent trafficking, and help victims and survivors re-integrate into society. CTF programs take victims of human trafficking through post-traumatic care that includes therapy, rehabilitation services, transitional housing, and safety from their abusers.

Human Trafficking 101

Have you heard that 99% of human trafficking victims are never identified? If your child or adult loved one has safely exited trafficking, they are part of the rare 1% of victims who now have hope for a healing future.

Did you know that men and boys can be trafficking victims as well?  The percentage of boys identified as victims of human trafficking more than quintupled between 2004 and 2020 —a much larger increase than for men, women, or girls. Boys and men account for 40 percent of all identified victims of human trafficking.

Are you aware that more than 500,000 young people in the U.S. are considered “at risk” of sexual exploitation? Children are more vulnerable than adults. They’re easier to control, cheaper, and less likely to demand safe working conditions.

Were you told that human trafficking is more than just commercial sex work? It also includes forced labor in private residences, on farms, in the hospitality industry, and the health and beauty service industry, among others.

Do you know a loved one who has escaped human trafficking and want to help? 

Join me as I provide an in-depth look at our “A Parent’s Guide to Understanding Human Trafficking and Healing Their Children.” In this twice-monthly blog, Call to Freedom will provide valuable information from the book, empower you with tips to help protect your family, and help you understand the process as your loved one starts their journey to recovery.

Our Mission at Call to Freedom is to “bring wholeness to all individuals impacted by sex and labor trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation by navigating a healing path through our continuum of care model.

Our Vision is to “create a comprehensive CommUnity model of care for individuals and support communities while educating and advocating to combat sex and labor trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation.”

“You may choose to look the other way, but you can

never say again that you did not know.”

– William Wilberforce

Who are the authors?

Call to Freedom’s parent guide is originated and primarily written by Ruth Atkins, the grandmother of a young woman who was trafficked. Ruth, referred to in the book as “Gma,” uses her experience and wisdom gained from helping her granddaughter through her journey, along with extensive research, to teach readers how to safely and effectively support someone affected by trafficking. Alongside Ruth, Mary, a survivor herself and Call to Freedom Survivor Service & Program Coordinator, includes eye-opening and valuable lessons in her sections titled “Mary’s Moments.”

Do you work with kids and young adults? This book is for you!

This book is a human trafficking resource for parents and anyone who interacts with kids and young adults. Along with knowing the dangers and warning signs associated with becoming trafficking targets, the psychology of victims needs to be understood to help them not only break free physically but also help their minds heal. Healing from human trafficking is complex and requires much more than physical removal—effective aftercare involves comprehensive support aimed at addressing each survivor’s unique physical, psychological, social, and spiritual needs.

Join us each month to answer the call to combat human trafficking

Our journey together over the next year will be instrumental in helping you:

  • Feel less alone
  • Hear stories from survivors
  • Learn human trafficking facts & myths
  • See how the manipulation of vulnerable populations works
  • Get the warning signs of human trafficking

We will explore the emotional and psychological impact of trafficking, equipping you to:

  • Be empathetic to trafficking victims, who experience complex trauma
  • See a typical journey of a trafficked victim
  • Understand a trafficking victim’s emotional triggers and flashbacks
  • Explore Trauma Bond and Dissociative Identity Disorder

You will be empowered to:

  • Help a loved one who has been trafficked
  • Receive self-care for parents & family members of trafficked victims
  • Obtain helpful resources about trafficking to combat it in your community
  • Sign up for volunteering opportunities to prevent and respond to human trafficking

In addition to exploring the book “A Parent’s Guide to Understanding Human Trafficking and Healing Their Children,” we will provide links to web resources and podcasts for your continued education. These are actions you can take today:

  • Subscribe to our monthly newsletter here and check out our podcast and blog.

If you are currently in a crisis or have questions about human trafficking, please contact our hotline at 605-261-1880 and 605-759-3565

Call to Freedom in a 501(c)(3) organization. EIN: 47-5469817

Wanda is a Wellness copywriter and volunteer contributor to Call to Freedom. For her copywriting and ghostwriting services, visit wordsbywanda.