Parent Connections Session 3

Parent Connections Session 3

This FREE education series is for parents, guardians, family members, and support systems who want to become advocates for the young people in their lives. We want to teach you how to protect your loved ones by engaging them in tough conversations and providing support in the midst of exploitive situations. Throughout this series we will focus on 3 topics: Human Trafficking, Social Media Exploitation, and Providing Support

Session 3:  Providing Support (September 12, 2023) – What does intervention and support look like for youth affected by exploitation or trafficking? In this presentation, Call to Freedom staff will discuss the trauma impacts and barriers for individuals on their journey to healing. We will explore how families are affected by human trafficking and what families can do to assist in the healing of their loved ones.

You can attend any or all of the sessions. If you can not attend in person, a virtual option is available. At the end of each session, there will be time for discussion and trained Call to Freedom staff will be available for individual questions or concerns.

The event is finished.


Sep 12 2023


5:30 pm - 7:30 pm

More Info

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Location available upon registration
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